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Why You Should Think Twice Before You Create Your Own App Online

There are plen­ty of online tools that help you cre­ate your own app. Many are quite good. But that doesn’t mean you should build an app online. Here’s why…


Your App Should Be Uniquecreate your own app

When you cre­ate your own app online, you build an app based on some­one else’s app. Most app builders, and espe­cial­ly free ones, use design prin­ci­ples and ele­ments oth­er apps already use.

That helps keep the app con­sis­tent with cur­rent design stan­dards. But it doesn’t make your app look too orig­i­nal.

With a mobile app design com­pa­ny, you have full con­trol over your app devel­op­ment. You can cus­tomize every design ele­ment down to the small­est detail.

You can also rein­vent lay­outs and but­tons if you feel you have to. It’s good to remem­ber this before you cre­ate your own app online.


There’s a Lot That Can Go Wrong

Most app builders make sure that big bugs don’t make it into your app. That’s great. Still, it leaves room for per­for­mance lag, visu­al glitch­es, or crash­es.

Test­ing your app is a key phase in the devel­op­ment process. Good test­ing means tak­ing it out of visu­al test­ing sim­u­la­tors and on real devices. When you cre­ate your own app with a mobile app design com­pa­ny, you invest in pro­fes­sion­al test­ing.

After devel­op­ment, your app gets test­ed the way it should. Bugs get squashed. The first release is a ful­ly func­tion­al, and you have a bug-free app.


Limited Functionality and Development

Choose to cre­ate your own app online, and you can put into it only the fea­tures that the app builder sup­ports. But what if you want to link your app to a par­tic­u­lar data­base or sell in-app items?

You may have a hard time find­ing an app builder that lets you imple­ment all these on your own terms, with­out lim­i­ta­tions.

When you cre­ate your own app online, you also restrict its devel­op­ment. Even if you get full rights over the code, inher­ent design lim­i­ta­tions in the plat­form may hold you back.

You may not be able to add in all the fea­tures you want lat­er on… it’s like putting a cap on how much your app can grow.

On top of all this, you may also have to put up with third-par­ty ads or brand­ing with­in your app.


Create Your Own App the Right Way

As you can see, choos­ing to cre­ate your own app with an online app builder isn’t the best idea.

At Swift­ly Dig­i­tal, we are a hybrid mar­ket­ing agency based in Los Ange­les that also serves as a mobile app design com­pa­ny. We build apps that peo­ple enjoy using. Cre­ate your own app now and reach out to us to get things start­ed.

Also pub­lished on Medi­um.

One thought on “Why You Should Think Twice Before You Create Your Own App Online

  • emmiejohanna

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