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How Long Does It Take to Make an App?

When you have a good app idea, it’s hard to resist not try­ing to turn it into a piece of soft­ware. But tak­ing your time devel­op­ing it may be one of the best busi­ness deci­sions you make. So, how long does it take to make an app?

It all depends on what type of app you want to build and the mobile app design com­pa­ny you hire. A sim­ple app? A month or two may be enough. A more com­plex one? Months, or even more. Here are the main fac­tors that deter­mine the length of the devel­op­ment process for your app.

How Long Does It Take to Make an App — Graphics & Design

Visu­al­ly rich apps like games, enter­tain­ment apps, or sim­u­la­tors require more work on graph­ics and design than a sim­ple util­i­ty app. The qual­i­ty and detail of the graph­ics and design have a major impact on the total devel­op­ment time, and can eas­i­ly add weeks or even months to it.

That said, work­ing with a mobile app design com­pa­ny can speed up the visu­al devel­op­ment process for your app.

How Long Does It Take to Make an App — Complexity of Features

What about com­plex­i­ty? How long does it take to make an app with advanced fea­tures? Think of an app that uses a com­plex algo­rithm to pro­vide dif­fer­ent users with dif­fer­ent sets of data. This kind of app will usu­al­ly require a serv­er that can process that data. Such a fea­ture would take more time to build than an app that stores all its data local­ly and func­tions offline.

Still, a mobile app design com­pa­ny with the right design infra­struc­ture in place can cre­ate com­plex fea­tures for your app pret­ty fast.

How Long Does It Take to Make an App — Number of Features

The more fea­tures you add to your app, the longer will the devel­op­ment take. Focus­ing on the core fea­tures and leav­ing oth­er fea­tures to future updates is one way to increase the pace of the devel­op­ment. Remem­ber that an Android or iPhone app design com­pa­ny will have to test those fea­tures as well before release, so fac­tor than in.

How Long Does It Take to Make an App — Device Compatibility

So how long does it take to make an app that runs on iOS as well as on Android? Usu­al­ly, longer than if you’d build it only for iOS or Android. Each plat­form comes with its own design stan­dards.

A mobile app design com­pa­ny can use devel­op­ment kits that enable them to build for mul­ti­ple plat­forms at the same time. But some fea­tures that work well on a plat­form won’t work that well on the oth­er, which calls for adjust­ments and redesigns.

To speed up devel­op­ment and save mon­ey, build your app for one plat­form first, and then port it to anoth­er plat­form lat­er.

Next time you won­der how long it take to make an app, think first about qual­i­ty. Then, choose a Los Ange­les based dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agency like Swift­ly Dig­i­tal  that can pro­mote your app after.

Also pub­lished on Medi­um.

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