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Digital Guerrilla Marketing Tactics and Ideas for Small Businesses

Guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing is all about pro­mot­ing your brand in an uncon­ven­tion­al way, with­out spend­ing a for­tune. It often catch­es audi­ences unawares and gets them hooked with a cre­ative idea. Guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing tac­tics are employed by brands big and small to grab atten­tion. Mar­ket­ing agen­cies in Los Ange­les often include them as part of their strate­gies.

So what if you want to hang an out­ra­geous ad on a build­ing or stamp your call to action on eggs? Guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing ideas like these are noth­ing new. Their wow-fac­tor makes them stand out in a world full of ads that leave many peo­ple indif­fer­ent.

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Before we take deep­er look at guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing tac­tics, let’s sum up the key fea­tures of these guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing tac­tics and what sets them apart from oth­er mar­ket­ing ploys.

  • Guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing tac­tics are fun, wit­ty, quirky, provoca­tive, or hilar­i­ous. Think of a lamp post in the form of a huge McDonald’s cof­fee cup or a ten­nis court shaped like a PSP.
  • Make peo­ple stop and stare at your guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing ideas.
  • Guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing ideas are often a one-off thing, even if they fit into your wider mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy.
  • Guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing ideas often cost you more cre­ativ­i­ty than mon­ey to mate­ri­al­ize.
  • Look great on social media, where they get a lot of shares and help you cre­ate viral mar­ket­ing cam­paigns.

guerrilla marketing

Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

The thing about guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing tac­tics is that there’s no sim­ple recipe that works for every­one. You can have to get real­ly cre­ative with them. Not only that, but they have to reflect your brand image. That said, here are some dig­i­tal guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing ideas that can help you get start­ed.

  • Use an eye-catch­ing email sig­na­ture. Just think of all those tens and hun­dreds of emails you’re send­ing every week.
  • Give away a free e-book through a lim­it­ed pro­mo­tion on your blog. Everyone’s tired of the usu­al free e-book, so you have to try a lit­tle hard­er. A planned e-book released at just the right time — it can be short of course, just a few pages, can work won­ders.
  • Cre­ate an unusu­al app for iOS and Android users.
  • Run a wacky com­pe­ti­tion on Face­book, Twit­ter, or YouTube. Ask your fans or fol­low­ers to snap a self­ie with your prod­uct in it. The fun­ni­est, wildest, or most unusu­al pho­to — based on likes and shares — could win. These are great guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing ideas to gen­er­ate shares.
  • Use video in cre­ative ways. Explain­er videos are one of the best video guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing tac­tics you can use.

For more guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing ideas, don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us. We can come up with the most effec­tive guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing ideas and guer­ril­la mar­ket­ing tac­tics for your busi­ness. Con­tact us now.

Also pub­lished on Medi­um.

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