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90 Second Explainer Videos Scripting Mistakes You Need to Avoid

90 sec­ond explain­er videos usu­al­ly start with a good script. A script makes the pro­duc­tion of the video so much eas­i­er. It gives the video a direc­tion, a tone, and helps you get real­ly cre­ative with it.

As an explain­er video pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny, we know all about script­ing. We want to share with you the biggest script­ing mis­takes you need to avoid. They can break your video, so prick up your ears.

#1 Making It Too Long

A detailed script is good. But when your script ends up being a dozen pages long, you’re miss­ing the point.

 90 sec­ond explain­er videos aren’t meant to be tuto­ri­als or guides. 90 sec­ond explain­er videos should be brief and excit­ing. That means declut­ter­ing your script. Keep only the sto­ry and the key fea­tures.

In this way, your pro­duc­tion team can focus on what real­ly mat­ters and bring your script to life.

#2 Not Using the Classic Three-Act Structure

Every good script has three acts, whether it’s a 90 sec­ond explain­er videos script or a Hol­ly­wood script. The first act is about the prob­lem your com­pa­ny solves — the what.

The sec­ond act is about the how the prob­lem gets solved. In oth­er words, about your key fea­tures.

In the last act, you explain them why they should choose you.

When the script fails to answer the what, the how, and the why, you’ve got a prob­lem. Get help from an explain­er video pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny.

#3 Making It All About Your Brand

90 sec­ond explain­er videos that peo­ple like and share are made for cus­tomers. It’s all about their per­spec­tive. If your explain­er video script is just a sum­ma­ry of your brand’s fea­tures and its vision, it’s not good enough.

You real­ly have to put your­self in the shoes of your cus­tomers. What’s the main issue that con­cerns them? What about the best angle from which to tack­le it?

One good rea­son to work with an explain­er video pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny is that they can bring objec­tiv­i­ty to the table.

They see your brand more like cus­tomers see it than how you see it. And that means more cus­tomer-cen­tric 90 sec­ond explain­er videos.

Just because 90 sec­ond explain­er videos are short doesn’t mean they’re easy to script. Take the has­sle out of script­ing them by choos­ing an explain­er video pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny.

Swift­ly Dig­i­tal is a Los Ange­les SEO Agency with a pas­sion for 90 sec­ond explain­er videos. We craft them with care. Get in touch with us to learn more.



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