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90 Second Explainer Videos Scripting Mistakes You Need to Avoid
90 second explainer videos usually start with a good script. A script makes the production of the video so much easier. It gives the video a direction, a tone, and helps you get really creative with it.
As an explainer video production company, we know all about scripting. We want to share with you the biggest scripting mistakes you need to avoid. They can break your video, so prick up your ears.
#1 Making It Too Long
A detailed script is good. But when your script ends up being a dozen pages long, you’re missing the point.
90 second explainer videos aren’t meant to be tutorials or guides. 90 second explainer videos should be brief and exciting. That means decluttering your script. Keep only the story and the key features.
In this way, your production team can focus on what really matters and bring your script to life.
#2 Not Using the Classic Three-Act Structure
Every good script has three acts, whether it’s a 90 second explainer videos script or a Hollywood script. The first act is about the problem your company solves — the what.
The second act is about the how the problem gets solved. In other words, about your key features.
In the last act, you explain them why they should choose you.
When the script fails to answer the what, the how, and the why, you’ve got a problem. Get help from an explainer video production company.
#3 Making It All About Your Brand
90 second explainer videos that people like and share are made for customers. It’s all about their perspective. If your explainer video script is just a summary of your brand’s features and its vision, it’s not good enough.
You really have to put yourself in the shoes of your customers. What’s the main issue that concerns them? What about the best angle from which to tackle it?
One good reason to work with an explainer video production company is that they can bring objectivity to the table.
They see your brand more like customers see it than how you see it. And that means more customer-centric 90 second explainer videos.
Just because 90 second explainer videos are short doesn’t mean they’re easy to script. Take the hassle out of scripting them by choosing an explainer video production company.
Swiftly Digital is a Los Angeles SEO Agency with a passion for 90 second explainer videos. We craft them with care. Get in touch with us to learn more.