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5 Tips for a Better Whiteboard Explainer Video

A white­board explain­er video can help you present your busi­ness in a clear and pleas­ant way. It’s cheap­er than oth­er 90 sec­ond explain­er videos and takes less time to cre­ate. When you’re not sure what type of explain­er video to make, this is a safe choice.

But link­ing a series of white­board frames isn’t enough to cre­ate a com­pelling white­board explain­er video. Here’s how you can get the most out of your video.

Apply These 5 Tips When Creating Your Next Whiteboard Explainer Video:

  1. Script the video. “But it’s only a white­board explain­er video!” you may say. Script­ing your video allows for a more care­ful orga­ni­za­tion of your ideas. It helps you place hooks at the right moments so view­ers keep watch­ing it until the end. That’s impor­tant because your explain­er video will fea­ture a call to action at the end.
  2. Keep it sim­ple. With explain­er videos, there’s always the temp­ta­tion to add more con­tent to them. But most of the time, it’s bet­ter to just cut away from them, reduc­ing them to the core fea­tures you are pre­sent­ing. You audi­ence isn’t dumb — they can fig­ure out the extra fea­tures on their own.
  3. Keep your white­board explain­er video short. You prob­a­bly know already that 90 sec­ond explain­er videos are quite pop­u­lar online. It’s not sur­pris­ing, con­sid­er the short atten­tion spans on the web. But it’s not just that. Peo­ple are busy. They don’t have time to watch long explain­er videos, espe­cial­ly if they don’t know the brand already.
  4. Work with an explain­er video pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny. A team of cre­ative mar­keters can offer you their skills and expe­ri­ence. They know what works and what doesn’t, and can find the best way to present your idea in a short space. Choose a Los Ange­les social media agency that can pro­mote your video once it’s ready.
  5. Make the call to action real­ly action­able. Ask­ing peo­ple at the end of the video to sub­scribe to your week­ly newslet­ter or fol­low you on social media isn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly bad. But your CTA will usu­al­ly be far more effec­tive if you lead view­ers to a land­ing page that tries to con­vert them into cus­tomers. An explain­er video com­pa­ny can help you opti­mize the call to action for max­i­mum results.

Whether you’re cre­at­ing your first white­board explain­er video or just need a new one for a new fea­ture or ser­vice, remem­ber the tips above. At Swift­ly Dig­i­tal, we’re an explain­er video com­pa­ny that cre­ates videos for any audi­ence. Get in touch with us to learn more.

Also pub­lished on Medi­um.

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