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3 Things You Need to Think About Before You Create Your Own App

So you want to cre­ate your own app. You got an idea and the bud­get to turn it into a piece of soft­ware for the App Store and maybe Google Play, too. Before you start search­ing for an iPhone app design com­pa­ny, stop for a moment and con­sid­er a few things. They will make every­thing eas­i­er.


#1 Market Research

There are over 2 mil­lion apps on Apple App Store and over 2.5 mil­lion apps on Google Play, as stat­ed by Sta­tista. Add to that over 1.3 mil­lion oth­er apps avail­able on Win­dows Store, Ama­zon App­store, and Black­Ber­ry World, and you get an idea about the com­pe­ti­tion you’re going to face when you cre­ate your own app.

Okay, maybe you want to cre­ate your own app in a spe­cial­ized cat­e­go­ry or obscure niche which has few oth­er apps. Or maybe your app idea is so daz­zling­ly orig­i­nal that there’s noth­ing like it out there.

Still, car­ry­ing out some basic mar­ket research before you cre­ate your own app will help you under­stand your audi­ence and their needs bet­ter. It will help you focus on the fea­tures peo­ple real­ly want. The good news is that your mobile app design com­pa­ny may be able to do this research for you.

#2 The Platform You’ll Launch Your App On

When you want to cre­ate your own app, you want to max­i­mize your vis­i­bil­i­ty, reach, and rev­enue. You want to be every­where. But will that actu­al­ly be good for you?

Launch­ing on mul­ti­ple plat­forms at the same time is cost­ly. It takes more time. It increas­es the risk that some­thing will go wrong. It will also make bug fix­es, updates, and new fea­tures hard­er to man­age.

Cre­ate your own app for one plat­form first. A mobile app design com­pa­ny can help you fig­ure out the right plat­form to start on.


#3 Your Post-Launch Development and Maintenance Plan

When you cre­ate your own app, you can get excit­ed about the process and focus all your ener­gy and resources on mak­ing your app. But did you know that it can be hard­er to main­tain an app than to build one?

Even a sim­ple, robust, heav­i­ly-test­ed app needs fix­es and updates over time. Mobile oper­at­ing sys­tems force these on you. Remem­ber this before you cre­ate your own app.

That’s why it’s impor­tant to talk about the future of your app with a mobile app design com­pa­ny. If they’re in it for the long run, you can map togeth­er with a basic post-launch devel­op­ment plan.

Once you’ve con­sid­ered mar­ket reach, plat­forms, and post-launch devel­op­ment, you’re ready to cre­ate your own app. Swift­ly Dig­i­tal is a Los Ange­les dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agency that turns app ideas into brand assets. Check our ser­vices to learn more.


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