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The DOs and DON’Ts of Animated Video Production

animated video production

Ani­mat­ed video pro­duc­tion and 90-sec­ond explain­er videos go hand in hand. Ani­mat­ing your explain­er videos is a great way to catch your audience’s atten­tion. But just because a video is nice­ly ani­mat­ed doesn’t mean it will be a hit.

Last time we checked, the web was full of ani­mat­ed videos. And you know what? Not all of them are great. Brands big and small are tak­ing short­cuts with ani­mat­ed video pro­duc­tion. They under­stand the appeal of this type of con­tent and want to see the videos on their site and social media pages as soon as pos­si­ble. They rush it.

Rush­ing your explain­er videos is one way to ruin them. They may be short by nature, but they need to be well-paced, con­sis­tent, and in tune with your brand’s vision. Cre­at­ing a video just for the sake of it may bring you traf­fic, but it won’t bring you con­ver­sions.

Here’s how to get ani­mat­ed video pro­duc­tion right.


Animated Video Production DOs

  • Nar­rate a sto­ry — Use imagery and audio to engage view­ers with a sto­ry. The sto­ry of your brand, prod­uct, or ser­vice. Use ani­mat­ed video pro­duc­tion to make it a sto­ry peo­ple can relate to.
  • Focus on their prob­lem — Your audi­ence has a prob­lem. They hope your brand can fix it. That’s why they watch your explain­er video. If your ani­mat­ed video pro­duc­tion is only about how great your brand is, peo­ple won’t care.
  • Use a call to action — Your explain­er video should have a mar­ket­ing objec­tive. It may not sell a prod­uct or ser­vice direct­ly, but it can ask view­ers to sign up to your social media page. Or down­load your free e-book or white paper. Or fol­low you on social media. What­ev­er works for you, so long as your ani­mat­ed video pro­duc­tion includes a call to action.


Animated Video Production DON’Ts

  • Try to explain every­thing — Ani­mat­ed explain­er videos aren’t sup­posed to be com­pre­hen­sive how to guides. Nor do they replace the FAQ sec­tion on your site. Rather, they should pro­vide a syn­the­sis of your brand or prod­uct.
  • Talk about the fea­tures first — If you start list­ing your prod­uct fea­tures at the begin­ner of your explain­er video, it can be hard to build engage­ment.
  • Make it long — 90 sec­ond explain­er videos get the most views and clicks. Peo­ple are busy and have short atten­tion spans. Long explain­er videos just don’t work for them.

Marketing Agency Los Angeles

Want to get ani­mat­ed video pro­duc­tion right? At Swift­ly Dig­i­tal, we’re a Los Ange­les based mar­ket­ing agency that loves to cre­ate 90 sec­ond explain­er videos. Get in touch with us to learn more.


Also pub­lished on Medi­um.

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